Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Is there a way to use individual DSA key-pairs for Apache (WebDAV) Authentication?

I'm basically looking for a way to allow for secure, but password-less authentication to SVN through WebDAV (I would rather not use svn+ssh.) I know this is possible with SSH, is it possible with Apache Authentication too?

  • Something like this? The page looks pretty old though...

    Nate Wagar : That looks like it's just HTTPS where the client already has the certificate. I'm looking for something to identify and authenticate each individual user.
    solefald : I don't think that would be possible. SSL cert auth is the only way that i know of.
    Zoredache : @Nate Wagar, by following the above you would issue a unique key and certificate each user. Though I would suggest you use something like TinyCA ( instead of creating all the certs manually.
    Zoredache : See also:
    From solefald


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