Saturday, January 29, 2011

MS Sql2000 and "scheme"

I've run to a problem in which I'm not sure where to look or how to fix it. The problem is the following. We have a site with a sql2000database. A backup from this was restored to create a development enviroment. Some of the store procedures are named [owner].name (owner is not dbo and I would want to keep the same structure in both live and development enviroment)

When I try to run those store procedures without specifing the owners name I get a "could not find store procedure" error. (using the owners credentials)

But I create a new user, and a new store procedure where this new users is the owner. And then login with the new user. Then I can find the store procedure by its name.


Owner = Daniel SPTest = store procedure (name Daniel.SPTest)

Login as Daniel, exec SPTest = store procedure not found <-- what is wrong here?

Create a new user and store procedure in the database Owner New User SPTest2 = Store procedure (name New User.SPTest2) Login as New User exec SPTest2 = runs procedure

I've tried to delete the user Daniel, then creating a new user with the username Daniel. But I still recieved the same error. Is there any other table where this kind of mapping is located?

  • Create your user 'Daniel' on the server (not just for that database, but in security objects for the server) then run:

    sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', 'Daniel'

    The problem (most likely) is that your database is not viewing your new 'Daniel' as the same user as the old 'Daniel'. That system sproc should repair that.

    Daniel : That would probably fix the problem. I did something similar to fix the issue though. I created a new user, changed the ownership to the new user. Then deleted the old one, created a new user with the old name and then changed back the ownership and then it worked. But your solution is probably the right way to go :)


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