Thursday, April 28, 2011

Could you tell me where I can find specification of simple_item_list_1 or simple_item_list_2?

Could you tell me where I can find specification of simple_item_list_1 or simple_item_list_2? Or tell me how to use them both?

From stackoverflow
  • You can find these resources, and others, in your SDK. They are in $ANDROID_SDK/platforms/$VERSION/data/res, where $ANDROID_SDK is where you unpacked the SDK on your machine, and $VERSION is some Android version (e.g., android-8 for Android 2.2).

    kspacja : Okay. I can read source of this XML files, but I still don't know, what object I have to give to contructor of ArrayAdapter, when I use simple_list_item_2. For example, for simple_list_item_1, constructor of ArrayAdapter looks like this: new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, new String[] {"Car", "Cat"});
    CommonsWare : @kspacja: `ArrayAdapter` doesn't support `simple_list_item_2`. Here is a sample project showing the user of `simple_list_item_1`:
    kspacja : How to do this with simple_list_item_1 I know. How do I know, that ArrayAdapter doesn't support simple_list_item_2? How do I know what support what?


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