Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Can I set an e-mail to send on a timer within gmail?

Its a business related e-mail, and I want it to get to the person before I wake up in the morning, but I don't want their first impression of me to be that I was awake at 3am sending e-mails. Is there a way to set it to delay the sending of an e-mail I already typed by a few hours?

  • Not via the web ui, no. You would need to use pop or imap and send the email from a client (such as Outlook, Thunderbird, and others) that supports delayed sending.

    From rchern
  • You would need to use a third-party app for that.

    TimeCave looks like it might do that for you. From their "about" page:

    The idea is simple: drop an email message into Time Cave and tell it when to come out. It'll stay there for as long as you'd like, within reason. (We wouldn't want stalactites to dissolve it.) So for days, weeks, months, or even years, Time Cave will hold onto your message. Once the message's time comes, it's speedily sent on its way back toward you (or whomever you addressed it to).

    (emphasis mine)

    DeferredSender is another service that should do what you want.

    Ankit : timeCave requires their own email account. Can I use my own gmail/hotmail/yahoo/pop account to do that ?
    From Al Everett


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