The following C++ code compiles and runs correctly for GNU g++, LLVM and every other C++ compiler I threw at it except for Microsoft VC6 and VC7:
template<typename A, typename B> int HasVoidReturnType(A(*)(B)) { return 0; }
template<typename B> int HasVoidReturnType(void(*)(B)) { return 1; }
void f(double) {}
int foo() { return HasVoidReturnType(f); }
For VC6 and VC7, it fails to compile and gives the error:
f.cpp(4) : error C2667: 'HasVoidReturnType' : none of 2 overloads have a best conversion
f.cpp(2): could be 'int HasVoidReturnType(void (__cdecl *)(B))'
f.cpp(1): or 'int HasVoidReturnType(A (__cdecl *)(B))'
while trying to match the argument list '(overloaded-function)'
f.cpp(4) : error C2668: 'HasVoidReturnType' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
f.cpp(2): could be 'int HasVoidReturnType(void (__cdecl *)(B))'
f.cpp(1): or 'int HasVoidReturnType(A (__cdecl *)(B))'
while trying to match the argument list '(overloaded-function)'
Rather than arguing the merits of what compiler is right, how can I determine from a template function whether a function has a void return type using VC6 and VC7?
Instead of creating two templates, have you tried just using the first one and using template specialization to define the second?
FYI this is compilable on C++ 2008 Express edition from Microsoft. (I would have liked to help but can't reproduce the problem on my compiler)
Try this on for size
template<typename FuncPtrType> struct DecomposeFuncPtr; template<typename ReturnType, typename ArgType> struct DecomposeFuncPtr<ReturnType(*)(ArgType)> { typedef ReturnType return_type; }; template<typename T> struct is_void { enum { value = 0 }; }; template<> struct is_void<void> { enum { value = 1 }; }; template<typename T> int HasVoidReturnType(T dontcare) { return is_void< typename DecomposeFuncPtr<T>::return_type >::value; }
it should avoid the overloading that is confusing VC6/7.
Hrmm. Sorry I couldn't test it with VC6/7. I see to recall running into issues using function pointers with templates before in VC though. Since we know the A, B works for the function in your original, I wonder if something like:
template<typename T> struct is_void { enum { value = 0 }; }; template<> struct is_void<void> { enum { value = 1 }; }; template<typename A, typename B> int HasVoidReturnType(A(*)(B)) { return is_void<A>::value; }
would work.
Johannes Schaub - litb : Try templatechar (& HasVoidReturnType(A(*)(B)) )[is_void::value + 1]; then sizeof(HasVoidReturnType(fun)) can tell you either 1 or 2 depending on whether it returns void. maybe that works with vc6 too? it would work at compile time :) Greg Rogers : The last way is how I would have written it in the first place - but probably because I don't grok overload resolution compared to template specialization. -
As far as VC++ 6 is concerned, you are screwed, as it doesn't support partial template specialisation, which is what you need to solve this problem.
Andrew Medico : VC++ 6 can barely be called a "C++ compiler".ChrisInEdmonton : VC++ 7.0 also sucks. VC++ 7.1, on the other hand, is a pretty decent C++ compiler. The version numbering system here is unfortunate.