Hi there is possible to set a default language or set a new one in RichTextBox, i want to set it in "es-PE" for spellchecker propouses
Have you tried setting the current thread's culture to the one you want? Most stuff in .NET takes the culture from the thread.
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new Culture( "es-PE" ); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
John : This would effect all of the RichTextBox controls in the applicationAngel Escobedo : cant find Culture Namespace -
...RichTextBox Language="es-PE" Name="mainRTB" AcceptsTab="True" SpellCheck.IsEnabled="True"...
sorry i was thinking extending the control and using System.Windows.Forms.InputLanguage ...(fx 2.0)
It would seem to be possible setting the xml:lang as in the code below:
<StackPanel> <RichTextBox SpellCheck.IsEnabled="True"/> <RichTextBox SpellCheck.IsEnabled="True" xml:lang="es-PE"/> </StackPanel>
The first box checks in the default culture and the second in the specified one ("es-PE").
The documentation also suggests you could add this attribute to a parent control such as a panel and it will be inherited by the child controls.
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