I'm tired of the old fart at work who keeps coming upto my desk and telling me all about his "years of experience in working with Unix and Lye-nix".
I couldn't vent it out at him because that would be wrong, so I'm going to vent it out here - because obviously (that's the right thing to do...).
Anyway, for all the people that practice in this disgusting behaviour - the pronunciation is.... (Hmmm - anyone know phonetics?) - "Li-nix"
Note: Despite hating him for this - he is otherwise a very nice (but sometimes rather annoying) person.
Now... to formally make this a "question" - Could someone write the phonetics for pronouncing "Linux", and also the notorious "Lye-nix", so I can make a note of it for future ventings?
I think this is right...
- Lɪnɪx, NOT Lɚnɪx.
...or perhaps...
- Lɪnʌx, NOT Lɚnʌx*
Can someone confirm the correct phonetics? (Listen to Linus on the matter).
Linus Torvalds take on the matter.
Edit: Links seems to be down. Here is the almost complete content:
"Hello this is Linus Torvalds and I pronounce Linux as Linux."
Xerxes : Thankyou! We're onto a good start.From Andy -
From TOndrej -
I would say "Li-nix".
From Antoine Benkemoun -
As for i know I used to pronounce LINUX. L I N U X.. :-)
From Caterpillar -
Crikey! Do you all say "..ix"? I've always pronounced the "u" as a "u"...
Xerxes : I give you +1 for just admitting that you've mispronounced it, and now you know =D.teedyay : I dunno - Linus Torvalds sounds like he says it my way - though maybe that's because of how I interpret a Finnish accent through British ears...Xerxes : My bad teedyay - I completely misread your post - you were referring to the ending "...ix", I was talking about the starting "li..." =) In which case - I think your pronunciation must have been perfectly fine.Micke : I guess the people who say -ix, also pronounce Linus as line-is, right? :)Dave Cheney : liNIX, as in uNIX. SheeshFrom teedyay -
I always say unix - but that doesn't endear me to the devs...
vartec : Linux is not unix :-PPreet Sangha : ohhh i know.... still its funny to me...From Preet Sangha -
AFAIK, you should pronounce it "lee-nooks"
Preet Sangha : lol thats very funny...From vartec -
in Italy: "leenooks" (in phonetic symbols: l'inucs)
From pomarc -
Lye nucks
I know people who say lih nucks, but its just sounds wrong to me
Mr. Shiny and New : +1 me too. I started pronouncing it this way and it was burned into my brain before I learned that it was "wrong". If saying lye-nucks is wrong, I don't want to be right!From Iain -
There is a you-tube video where Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, explains how the word should be pronounced. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IfHm6R5le0
some more referrance: http://safalra.com/science/linguistics/linux-pronunciation/
gives you audio files.
From viky -
Is this important?
Xerxes : Not really - but it certainly is fun, wouldn't you agree? 8)Sena : It doesn't bother me, but I've seen this discussion everywhere, several times, and it's getting boring... :-) I personally say Linux. ;-)Xerxes : Party pooper. =)From Sena -
Linux pron:Lyn-ux
From Rich -
2 out of 10 people will pronounce common everyday words differently - what makes you think and hope there will ever be a consencus on how to p-ronounce "Linux" ?
Apart from that ... like Linus with an x. (I don't think I can post audio with these answers :)
From ldigas -
I normally go with "ooboon2"
From NimChimpsky
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