Friday, January 28, 2011

How do you pronounce Linux?

I'm tired of the old fart at work who keeps coming upto my desk and telling me all about his "years of experience in working with Unix and Lye-nix".

I couldn't vent it out at him because that would be wrong, so I'm going to vent it out here - because obviously (that's the right thing to do...).

Anyway, for all the people that practice in this disgusting behaviour - the pronunciation is.... (Hmmm - anyone know phonetics?) - "Li-nix"

Note: Despite hating him for this - he is otherwise a very nice (but sometimes rather annoying) person.

Now... to formally make this a "question" - Could someone write the phonetics for pronouncing "Linux", and also the notorious "Lye-nix", so I can make a note of it for future ventings?

I think this is right...

  • Lɪnɪx, NOT Lɚnɪx.

...or perhaps...

  • Lɪnʌx, NOT Lɚnʌx*

Can someone confirm the correct phonetics? (Listen to Linus on the matter).

  • Linus Torvalds take on the matter.

    Edit: Links seems to be down. Here is the almost complete content:

    "Hello this is Linus Torvalds and I pronounce Linux as Linux."

    (alternative Source)

    Xerxes : Thankyou! We're onto a good start.
    From Andy

    From TOndrej
  • I would say "Li-nix".

  • As for i know I used to pronounce LINUX. L I N U X.. :-)

  • Crikey! Do you all say "..ix"? I've always pronounced the "u" as a "u"...

    Xerxes : I give you +1 for just admitting that you've mispronounced it, and now you know =D.
    teedyay : I dunno - Linus Torvalds sounds like he says it my way - though maybe that's because of how I interpret a Finnish accent through British ears...
    Xerxes : My bad teedyay - I completely misread your post - you were referring to the ending "...ix", I was talking about the starting "li..." =) In which case - I think your pronunciation must have been perfectly fine.
    Micke : I guess the people who say -ix, also pronounce Linus as line-is, right? :)
    Dave Cheney : liNIX, as in uNIX. Sheesh
    From teedyay
  • I always say unix - but that doesn't endear me to the devs...

    vartec : Linux is not unix :-P
    Preet Sangha : ohhh i know.... still its funny to me...
  • AFAIK, you should pronounce it "lee-nooks"

    Preet Sangha : lol thats very funny...
    From vartec
  • in Italy: "leenooks" (in phonetic symbols: l'inucs)

    From pomarc
  • Lye nucks

    I know people who say lih nucks, but its just sounds wrong to me

    Mr. Shiny and New : +1 me too. I started pronouncing it this way and it was burned into my brain before I learned that it was "wrong". If saying lye-nucks is wrong, I don't want to be right!
    From Iain
  • There is a you-tube video where Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, explains how the word should be pronounced.

    some more referrance:

    gives you audio files.

    From viky
  • Is this important?

    Xerxes : Not really - but it certainly is fun, wouldn't you agree? 8)
    Sena : It doesn't bother me, but I've seen this discussion everywhere, several times, and it's getting boring... :-) I personally say Linux. ;-)
    Xerxes : Party pooper. =)
    From Sena
  • Linux pron:Lyn-ux

    From Rich
  • 2 out of 10 people will pronounce common everyday words differently - what makes you think and hope there will ever be a consencus on how to p-ronounce "Linux" ?

    Apart from that ... like Linus with an x. (I don't think I can post audio with these answers :)

    From ldigas
  • I normally go with "ooboon2"


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