Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to document mail setup after hand-over.

I've just moved a client's email services over from my host to Google Apps. I would like to hand over a document providing all they (or their agent) need should I not be available etc.

How are such documents normally structured, and what level of detail should they contain? I know user names and passwords are essential, and instructions on how to manage domains on Google Apps are over the top, but what is a commonly used middle ground?

  • I am not sure how the documents would normally be structured, but in this scenario I would think documenting the following is appropriate...

    • administrative usernames and
    • passwords guidelines for creating new
    • accounts (e.g. naming conventions)
    • changes you made to MX records
    • changes you made to DNS cautionary
    • statements about making changes to
    • DNS if they have the ability links to
    • access their services (e.g. the DNS
    • entries you setup) links to Google's
    • client oriented documentation
    • (pop3/imap/smtp instructions etc...)
    • links to Google's administrative
    • oriented documentation

    One to two pages should be sufficient. Include a short summary of what Google Apps is and how it is different than hosting your own email or using your ISP's services.

  • We tend to hand over build guides - if it contains a systematic description of how to build the system from scratch, it's probably got all the essential details. Add an FAQ or links to Google's howtos, and you should be fine.

    From caelyx


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