I often have to look at problems on live web servers, would like to know if there is a safe way to force an IIS log file rollover on a production server.
From serverfault
Luke Girvin
Are you sure about this, I've been supporting IIS web farms for years and had no issues with copying the current IIS log file to get all entries up to that point....(IIS 4,5,6 and 7)
How are you copying them?
Luke Girvin : I often use Symantect pcAnywhere to copy the files, so perhaps it's something peculiar to that program that's causing me problems. I'll edit the question slightly but I'd still like to know if there's a way to force a log file rollover, this sort of functionality is common in the UNIX world and SQL Server also has it.From Daed -
You could try temporarily changing the log file rollover settings, as described here:
Once the logs have rolled over, revert to your previous settings.
From blueberryfields
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