Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is there a way to follow the posts of individual Twitter users in Google Reader?

I want to have feeds for people that I follow on Twitter right in my Google Reader interface, but none of the ways that I've tried to subscribe seem to work.

  • For Google Reader: (thanks Jared)

    1. In Google Reader, press Add Subscription.
    2. Type in the address of the user's Twitter page (e.g. http://twitter.com/codinghorror).

    For services that require an RSS feed:

    1. Go to the user's Twitter page (e.g. http://twitter.com/codinghorror).
    2. Find the link where it says RSS feed of [user's] tweets (see picture below) (e.g. http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/5637652.rss).
    3. Add this URL to your RSS reader.

    Twitter page with RSS feed link highlighted

    Jared Harley : You don't even need to go that far - all you need to put in the "Add subscription" box is http://www.twitter.com/username and it will find the feed automatically. [See my answer here](http://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/1178/how-can-i-follow-someone-on-twitter-without-them-knowing/1179#1179)
    Ivo Flipse : If you would edit in @nhinkle's image, you answer would be truly copmlete
    nhinkle : What about it needs editing?
    From Senseful
  • There is an RSS feed for every Twitter user. Go to twitter.com/username, and scroll down on the right side underneath followers, you will see a link for "RSS feed of username's tweets". Copy that link, and subscribe to it in Google Reader. alt text

    From nhinkle


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