Thursday, January 20, 2011

Network sharing on Server 2008 asking for login

I sometimes struggle with Window's weird file sharing. On the face of it it seems simple but there are these gottya's that catch me out.

I've shared a folder on the root of the C drive and given everyone read access, just as a test. In network sharing centre I've disabled password protected sharing. Whenever I browse to this server from a different machine (\machine) I get prompted for a login. When I try to browse directly to the folder (\machine\public) I also get prompted for a login. So dispute the fact that password protected sharing is disabled it still isn't allowing anonymous access. Suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thanks

  • If you want to access the sharing on Windows Server 2008 computer from Windows XP and Windows 2000, you have to perform the following stesps:

    1. Change the settings in Network and Sharing Center

    Please navigate to Control Panel >>> Network and Sharing Center, and ensure:

    1. Fire Sharing: On;

    2. Public folder sharing: Turn on sharing so anyone with network access can open files (or Turn on sharing so anyone with network access can open, change, and create files);

    3. Password protected sharing: Turn off password protected sharing

    4. Change the security settings in gpedit.msc

    Please navigate to gpedit.msc >>> Computer Configuration >>> Security Settings >>> Security Options

    Please change Network access: Sharing and security model for local account from “Classic-local users authenticate as themselves” to “Guest only-local users authenticate as Guest”


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