Is it possible to run VMWare Server v2 on Windows Home Server? Is this the best virtualization product for a home environment that wants a 24x7 virtual development OS/Server?
Yeah, but you'd be better off running ESXi on the hardware and WHS on top of that.
Brad Leach : I am not familiar with ESXi - does it allow me to "dedicate" one or more physical drives for WHS (as AFAIK WHS needs to manage the entire drive - not a virtual drive).Edmund Tay : ESXi is very picky when it comes to what hardware is supported.From Richard Gadsden -
If you haven't used virtualization, VMWare Server v2 is a good starting point. If learning and ease of use is your goal, then stick with Server v2. If performance is your goal, ESXi will give you more as it does not have the overhead of the Windows OS having to load into memory and CPU calls having to be translated though the OS.
If your WHS uses RAID, you will likely lose it on ESXi as it is unlikely that ESXi will support your setup. I could be wrong on this, so it is best to check on VMWare forums.
Orihara : Considering that WHS explicitly disrecommends use of RAID, the last shouldn't be a problem.From Joseph
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