Someone I know has bought a new LCD monitor, with a native resolution of 1680 * 1050
However, they can't read stuff at that resolution because its too small for them. They need to use something a fair bit lower - 960 * 600 or one above.
However, that being non native, its kind of blurry/grainy - the screen isn't doing the downscale/interperlation very well.
To my mind, it seems plausible that there might be some software available that can let the monitor run at its native resolution, but enlarge everything to the same size as a lower resolution - it must be an increasingly common problem?
What solutions is anyone here aware of?
You can experiment with changing the DPI setting in windows (it's a tab in the same place where you select your driver and such in windows). Depending on how much you need to make the display fonts bigger, this may work for you.
Oskar Duveborn : This is the way to do it right now, be prepared that not all applications are aware of this and may look or work wierd...benlumley : Yeah - DPI doesn't seem to affect everything, so its not that useful.From Roy Rico -
You can use the screen magnifier in the accessibility options.
benlumley : yeah, that wasn't well received as it seems to only do part of the screen at once. A kind of permanent zoom is what is wanted.From WerkkreW -
Maybe try "Left Alt"+"Left Shif" and PrtScn. Then see if you can adapt the colours :-)
Also look at "Display Propeties"+"Appearence" - font sizes can be changed there.
From Tubs
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