Saturday, February 5, 2011

How can I count to 10 while summing the numbers in Excel VBA?

How can I count to 10 while summing the numbers in VBA?

  • Dim Sum as Integer
    Sum = 0 
    Dim I as Integer
    For I = 1 to 10
        Sum = Sum + I

    Edit: For future reference, please refer to Microsoft's MSDN section on Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

    Janie : Thank you, this was really hard.
    WowtaH : Dim Sum, LOL ;)
    Janie : Hee hee, Lunchtime!!!
    gnovice : Mmmmm, dim sum!
    From TheTXI
  • The question is labeled VB6, so:

    Dim Sum As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To 10
        Sum = Sum + i
    Next i
    Shog9 : @A: if you're really not worried about verbosity, use `theVariableImUsingToCountToTenWith` instead of `i`
    Geoffrey Chetwood : I like the anal retentive verbosity advocate who only uses his initial for his first name.
    TheTXI : @Shog9: if you're really not worried about verbosity, use 'iHaveNoIdeaWhetherThisWouldWorkAsAPossibleVariableNameInVBASoIGuessItIsWorthAShotSoIAmCreatingASuperLongVariableNameToHoldSoThatICanWriteAForLoopFromOneToTen'
    From Jay Riggs
  • Why do you need to use VBA to do this, your using excel, couldn't you just put the numbers 1 to 10 in different cells and add them up. Why do you even need to use excel. Couldn't you just type 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 into a calculator. Why do you even need to use a calculator, why can't you just work it out in your head.

    TheTXI : If I had downvotes left, I'd downvote you just for being extremely late to this party.
    Pesto : Some of us can't handle two-digit addition in our heads, you insensitive clod.
    Janie : Um, because i'm trying to LEARN VBA. I'm familiar with calculators, thanks.


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