I am just checking out F#, so apologies if this is a silly question, but in the VS2008 F# CTP 'Tutorial' project, both // and /// are used for commenting code.
Is there a functional difference between the two slash vs three slash commenting, or is it convention (as it appears in the tutorial code) to comment a function with /// and use // for everything else?
/// is for documentation comments. VS will use it when generating intellisense information.
From Alexander Kojevnikov -
Using three slashes (///) is a C# convention for XML Documentation Comments that is adopted by F# as well.
From Franci Penov -
It's similar to /* comment */ vs /** documented comment */ in Java.
The latter works the same, but is also recognised by documentation software to be developer documentation - not just a note.
Scott Dorman : Which only helps if you know what those comment constructions do in Java, which wasn't the question.From Dean
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