Hi, when i try to execute this sql statement i am getting the error.. Conversion failed when converting character string to smalldatetime data type.
Does anyone know what i am doing wrong?
declare @modality varchar(50)
declare @datefrom smalldatetime
set @modality = 'xxxxxxx'
set @datefrom = '20090101'
declare @var1 nvarchar(4000)
select @var1 =
sum('+ @modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(@modality) +'
from dbo.vw_RawData
where vw.date >= ' + @datefrom + ''
exec sp_executesql @var1
You are trying to concatenate the smalldatetime with a varchar. Change
Solution 1
declare @datefrom smalldatetime
declare @datefrom varchar(8)
select @var1 = 'select sum('+ @modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(@modality) + ' from dbo.vw_RawData where vw.date >= ' + @datefrom + ''
select @var1 = 'select sum('+ @modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(@modality) + ' from dbo.vw_RawData where vw.date >= ''' + @datefrom + ''''
Solution 2
select @var1 = 'select sum('+ @modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(@modality) + ' from dbo.vw_RawData where vw.date >= ' + @datefrom + ''
select @var1 = 'select sum('+ @modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(@modality) + ' from dbo.vw_RawData where vw.date >= ''' + convert(varchar(10), @datefrom, 121) + ''''
From a programmer -
In the statement
select @var1 = 'select sum('+ @modality +') as ' + dbo.fnc_titlecase(@modality) +' from dbo.vw_RawData where vw.date >= ' + @datefrom + ''
SQL Server is trying to do date arithmetic by casting all the surrounding strings to a smalldatetime instead of converting @datefrom to a string and performing string concatenation.Possible fixes.
- Change @DateFrom to a sting so that the concatenation works. Note you will have to add some quotes so that the string in @Var1 is properly formated.
- Use convert function to convert @datefrom to a string. Look up the right conversion number in Books online. I don't have time to right now. Don't use cast, it won't give a
- Use a paramertized SQL String. Look up sp_executesql in Books Online. (Or wait, StackOverflow always has someone to point out how to avoid dynamic SQL.)
EDIT: Just checked. cast(@DateTime as Varchar(...)) gives a string that I thought might be hard to parse, but it seems to work, might try that instead of convert. Make sure the varchar() is big enough
From Shannon Severance
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