I'm looking for an UPDATE statement where it will update a single duplicate row only and remain the rest (duplicate rows) intact as is, using ROWID or something else or other elements to utilize in Oracle SQL or PL/SQL?
Here is an example duptest table to work with:
run one INSERT INTO duptest VALUES('1','a');
run four (4) times INSERT INTO duptest VALUES('2','b');
Also, the first duplicate row has to be updated (not deleted), always, whereas the other three (3) have to be remained as is!
Thanks a lot, Val.
Will this work for you:
update duptest set nonid = 'c' WHERE ROWID IN (SELECT MIN (ROWID) FROM duptest GROUP BY id, nonid)
From Brian Schmitt -
This worked for me, even for repeated runs.
--third, update the one row UPDATE DUPTEST DT SET DT.NONID = 'c' WHERE (DT.ID,DT.ROWID) IN( --second, find the row id of the first dup SELECT DT.ID ,MIN(DT.ROWID) AS FIRST_ROW_ID FROM DUPTEST DT WHERE ID IN( --first, find the dups SELECT ID FROM DUPTEST GROUP BY ID HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) GROUP BY DT.ID )
From JosephStyons -
I think this should work.
UPDATE DUPTEST SET NONID = 'C' WHERE ROWID in ( Select ROWID from ( SELECT ROWID, Row_Number() over (Partition By ID, NONID order by ID) rn ) WHERE rn = 1 )
From Aaron Smith -
I know that this does not answer your initial question, but there is no key on your table and the problem you have adressing a specific row results from that.
So my suggestion - if the specific application allows for it - would be to add a key column to your table (e.g. REAL_ID as INTEGER).
Then you could find out the lowest id for the duplicates
select min (real_id) from duptest group by (id, nonid)
and update just these rows:
update duptest set nonid = 'C' where real_id in (<select from above>)
I'm sure the update statement can be tuned somewhat, but I hope it illustrates the idea.
The advantage is a "cleaner" design (your id column is not really an id), and a more portable solution than relying on the DB-specific versions of rowid.
From IronGoofy -
You are the boss!!!
I’ve tried so many options, variations, here and there and your’s was the key, the bull's eye!
Thank you very much!!!
Philadelphia PHILLIES - 2008 WORLD CHAMPIANS!!!
Jaap Coomans : So... flag his answer as the accepted solution -
UPDATE duptest SET nonid = 'c' WHERE nonid = 'b' AND rowid = (SELECT min(rowid) FROM duptest WHERE nonid = 'b');
JosephStyons, Tons of Thanks to You.Your solution worked for me after 3hrs battle..
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