Why isn't Visual Studio 2005 generating a serialization setting when I set the project setting "Generate Serialization Assembly" to "On"?
From stackoverflow
Adam Tegen
It turns out that Dev Studio only honors this setting for Web Services.
For non-web services you can get this to work by adding an AfterBuild target to your project file:
<Target Name="AfterBuild" DependsOnTargets="AssignTargetPaths;Compile;ResolveKeySource" Inputs="$(MSBuildAllProjects);@(IntermediateAssembly)" Outputs="$(OutputPath)$(_SGenDllName)"> <SGen BuildAssemblyName="$(TargetFileName)" BuildAssemblyPath="$(OutputPath)" References="@(ReferencePath)" ShouldGenerateSerializer="true" UseProxyTypes="false" KeyContainer="$(KeyContainerName)" KeyFile="$(KeyOriginatorFile)" DelaySign="$(DelaySign)" ToolPath="$(SGenToolPath)"> <Output TaskParameter="SerializationAssembly" ItemName="SerializationAssembly" /> </SGen> </Target>
See also:
flipdoubt : +1 for this help, Adam! As a follow up question, is adding the SGen task to a project considered a best or worst practice? I'm hoping that it speeds up the performance of my app.From Adam Tegen -
It can be done manually with sgen.exe.
From Adam Tegen -
Hey Adam, nice answer. Can you figure out a way to use the SGen MSBuild task and pass it the /f parameter to force the recreation of the serialization assembly after it is built? I would use the sgen.exe as a post-build event, but I can't find an environment variable for its path that is valid in the post-build event. Any ideas?
From flipdoubt
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