How would I handle something like the below uri using ASP.NET MVC's routing capability:
http://localhost/users/{username}/bookmarks/ - GET
http://localhost/users/{username}/bookmark/{bookmarkid} - PUT
Which lists the bookmarks for the user in {username}.
From stackoverflow
first you need to create a new route in global.aspx
routes.MapRoute("Bookmarks", "{controller}/{user}/{action}/{id}");
then add a new action
public class UsersController : Controller { [AcceptVerbs("Post")] public void Bookmarks(string user, int? id) { //add your bookmark } }
You can use the [AcceptVerbs] attribute on your action method
public class BookmarksController : Controller { [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public void Bookmarks(string user) { //add your bookmark } [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public void Bookmarks(string user, int? id) { //add your bookmark } }
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