Thursday, March 24, 2011

Can I use CreateFile, but force the handle into a std::ofstream?

Is there any way to take advantage of the file creation flags in the Win32 API such as FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE or FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH as described here , but then force that handle into a std::ofstream?

The interface to ofstream is obviously platform independent; I'd like to force some platform dependent settings in 'under the hood' as it were.

From stackoverflow
  • It is possible to attach a C++ std::ofstream to a Windows file handle. The following code works in VS2008:

    HANDLE file_handle = CreateFile(
        file_name, GENERIC_WRITE,
    if (file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        int file_descriptor = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)file_handle, 0);
        if (file_descriptor != -1) {
            FILE* file = _fdopen(file_descriptor, "w");
            if (file != NULL) {
                std::ofstream stream(file);
                stream << "Hello World\n";
                // Closes stream, file, file_descriptor, and file_handle.
                file = NULL;
                file_descriptor = -1;
                file_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;

    This works with FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, but FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH may not have the desired effect, as data will be buffered by the std::ofstream object, and not be written directly to disk. Any data in the buffer will be flushed to the OS when stream.close() is called, however.

    Steve Folly : Excellent (also works in VS2005)! One scenario I have is for writing some accounting information to a file on a USB with write-through. Because it'll be a quick open-write-close sequence, the call to close should ensure ofstream's buffer is flushed to the OS, right?
    ChrisN : Yes. I've updated the answer to mention this.
  • Some of these flags are also available when using _fsopen / fopen:

    FILE* pLockFile = _fsopen(tmpfilename.c_str(), "w", _SH_DENYWR );
    if (pLockFile!=NULL
       // Write lock aquired
       ofstream fs(pLockFile);

    Here we open the file so when doing a flush, then it writes through (And it is deleted when closed):

    FILE* pCommitFile = fopen(tmpfilename.c_str(), "wcD");
    if (pCommitFile!=NULL)
       // Commits when doing flush
       ofstream fs(pCommitFile);


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