Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Changing SharePoint Site Collection Title

I need to change the title of a site collection in SharePoint (MOSS 2007). I found one post saying it can be done in SharePoint Designer, but I wasn't seeing the specified menus, and haven't been able to find it anywhere else. I'm assuming I can do it programmatically if necessary, but I'd like to think they made it easier than that (silly me).

UPDATE: I actually didn't follow your advice entirely. I simply changed the XML file you located the heading in, and that worked perfectly. Thanks!

From stackoverflow
  • When you said changing the "title of a site collection", do you mean the title of the site collection's top-level-site?

    If so, non-programmatically, at the the top level site, go: Site Settings > Title, Description, and Icon.

    And programmatically, you can new up the SPWeb of the top level site, then set the Title property.

    orthod0ks : No, I mean the entire collection. The collection name is displayed on each page. By default it says 'Home - ' on each page before the site name. I want to change the 'Home' portion.
  • No, I mean the entire collection. The collection name is displayed on each page. By default it says 'Home - ' on each page before the site name. I want to change the 'Home' portion.

  • OK, I think I know what you mean now. You want to change the title for the html page and not the title of a site. I did a little digging and here's what I found.

    The text "Home" comes from this xml file (on my rig):


    <data name="multipages_homelink_text">

    By default, Sharepoint creates the title text by concatenating "Home - " + site's title. So if you want to have totally custom text, do the following:

    Open this file for edit:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates\sts\default.aspx

    Next, replace the sharepoint title with your custom text:


    <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderPageTitle" runat="server">
        <SharePoint:EncodedLiteral runat="server" text="<%$Resources:wss,multipages_homelink_text%>" EncodeMethod="HtmlEncode"/> - <SharePoint:ProjectProperty Property="Title" runat="server"/>


    <asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderPageTitle" runat="server">
        Your custom text goes here...

    Hope this is what you're looking for!!!

    Jason : note that modifying the SiteTemplate default.aspx file is an unsupported customization. it may get overwritten in subsequent releases/hotfixes/service packs. the "blessed" way to do this, is to create your own site definition based on an out of the box one (
    barneytron : Thanks Jason. That's good to know!!!
  • In your case, I think the best way is to do it through code. I think barneytron's answer can solve your problem!

  • @ barneytron Perfect. thats exactly right. thanks


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