Thursday, March 31, 2011

Compare current date with stored datetime using month an year only

Hi there.

Using SQL Server 2005 I have a field that contains a datetime value.

What I am trying to do is create 2 queries:

  1. Compare to see if stored datetime is of the same month+year as current date
  2. Compare to see if stored datetime is of the same year as current date

There is probably a simple solution but I keep hitting brick walls using various samples I can find, any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

From stackoverflow
  • Compare the parts of the date:

    WHERE YEAR( columnName ) = YEAR( getDate() )
  • The datepart function lets you pull the bits you need:

    declare @d1 as datetime
    declare @d2 as datetime
    if datepart(yy, @d1) = datepart(yy, @d2) and datepart(mm, @d1) = datepart(mm, @d2) begin
        print 'same'
  • SELECT * FROM atable 
        YEAR( adate ) = YEAR( GETDATE() )
        MONTH( adate ) = MONTH( GETDATE() )
  • You can use something like this

    a) select * from table where MONTH(field) = MONTH(GetDATE()) and YEAR(field) = YEAR(GetDATE())

    b) select * from table where YEAR(field) = YEAR(GetDATE())

  • It sounds to me like DATEDIFF is exactly what you need:

    -- #1 same month and year
    SELECT *
    FROM your_table
    WHERE DATEDIFF(month, your_column, GETDATE()) = 0
    -- #2 same year
    SELECT *
    FROM your_table
    WHERE DATEDIFF(year, your_column, GETDATE()) = 0
  • While the other answers will work, they all suffer from the same problem: they apply a transformation to the column and therefore will never utilize an index on that column.

    To search the date without a transformation, you need a couple built-in functions and some math. Example below:

    --create a table to hold our example values
    create table #DateSearch
        TheDate datetime not null
    insert into #DateSearch (TheDate)
    select getdate()
    union all
    --a month in advance
    select dateadd(month, 1, getdate())
    union all
    --a year in advance
    select dateadd(year, 1, getdate())
    --declare variables to make things a little easier to see
    declare @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime
    --search for "same month+year as current date"
    select @StartDate = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, getdate()), 0), @EndDate = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, getdate()) + 1, 0)
    select @StartDate [StartDate], @EndDate [EndDate], TheDate from #DateSearch
    where TheDate >= @StartDate and TheDate < @EndDate
    --search for "same year as current date"
    select @StartDate = dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, getdate()), 0), @EndDate = dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, getdate()) + 1, 0)
    select @StartDate [StartDate], @EndDate [EndDate], TheDate from #DateSearch
    where TheDate >= @StartDate and TheDate < @EndDate

    What the statement does to avoid the transformations, is find all values greater-than or equal-to the beginning of the current time period (month or year) AND all values less-than the beginning of the next (invalid) time period. This solves our index problem and also mitigates any issues related to 3ms rounding in the DATETIME type.



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