I'm working on a Cocoa Mac app where I need to display a window/view on a secondary monitor, full-screen. I know how to create a window that could be dragged onto the secondary monitor, but I was wanting to programatically create the window and make it full screen on the external monitor. Thanks for the help.
From stackoverflow
First, determine which screen you want to use by iterating over [NSScreen screens].
Create a full screen window with:
NSScreen *screen = /* from [NSScreen screens] */ NSRect screenRect = [screen frame]; NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:screenRect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO screen:screen]; [window setLevel: CGShieldingWindowLevel()];
You might want to google CGDisplayCapture() as well.
Austin : Thank you, that worked great. Since I was trying to output to the secondary screen I just used [window setLevel: NSStatusWindowLevel]; -
You can call the
method ofNSView
to acheieve the desired behaviour.Read here and here for the options that can be supplied to this method.
You can use
[NSScreen screens]
to get the list of available screens. See here for details.Austin : Thank you for the help. For what I was trying to do I think the first solution is going to work best for me, but I'll have to keep that View full screen method in mind.
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