IN my case i want to implement multi select auto complete combobox using html,javascript,jsp.
Is there any body who knows how to implement it.
Which will be similar to text field shown in stackoverflow while adding multipal tags to any question.
From stackoverflow
I would recommend an Ajax-driven auto-complete JavaScript combo-box, especially if you have a large set of data to query.
Otherwise, various javascript libraries (like Yahoo UI) do provide this kind of combo-box.
For instance, this combo-box based on ExtJS checkbox does offer a multi-select feature.
: how to make this to work as multiselect..joej : Yep - this is not a not a multi-select solution. I've tried jquery.multiselect.js, fcbkcomplete, and the tokenizing autocomplete text entry ... and I'm getting tired. Those are the top jquery choices. Each comes with its own "gotchas" Most are: CSS ... don't lend themselves to complex forms, browser issues ... broken visually or broken functionality in IE and user-interface issues (supports backspace? delete, arrows, etc.?) and just bugs (can't take slashes, can fall into endless loops, etc). There doesn't appear to be a really solid, easily styled jquery version of such a beast.
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