Is there a way to use (reference) a DLL written in an unmanaged C++ (not a COM library) in my C# application?
When I try to reference it from within Visual Studio, I get 'not a COM object' error message.
Maybe there is some kind of translator\router that would COMify my DLL reference? I have no clue how COM and COM interop work, since I started programming when this was already unnecessary for me.
Thank you.
See "Consuming unmanaged DLL functions" topic on MSDN:
There is no need to add any COM proxy, .NET can consume DLLs directly using the [DllImport] attribute. You also have full control over the marshalling between .NET and the unmanaged DLL by specifying additional attributes.
You need to use the DllImport attribute. Here's an example for the Win32 PostMessage function:
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr handle, int message, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam);
greg7gkb : What is the [return: ] tag for? -gJoe : In this example, it specifies that the MarshalAs attribute applies to the return value of the function. -
Joe already answered this, so I'm going to tack this on - to save yourself some time and not having to dig up and mangle function signatures, P/Invoke has a pretty complete library of Win32 signatures, in the form of both a wiki AND a Visual Studio plugin!
Check it out at P/Invoke
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