Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Auto-hide panel in QT or WxWidgets

I am looking to find a way to have a docked panel that would be similar to the panels within visual studio.

Essentially a panel that can be set to auto hide or can be pinned open.

Possibly this question was a bit vague. What I am looking for is essentially this product

Please leave a comment if I am missing details as I would like this question solved. I have searched google a fair bit and have not been able to find a possible solution. If worse comes to worse I will end up using a shortcut to hide and unhide the side panel.

From stackoverflow
  • check out the AUI demo in wxWidgets.

    Victor T. : @braindead the wxAUI doesn't have that auto-hide/pinning feature the OP is looking for.
  • Qt4 has QDockWidget class, maybe that's what you're looking for?

  • Qt sadly doesn't support this. I've bugged them and others but got no word. I'm writing my own to doing this.


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