Monday, April 11, 2011

Building up a monthly total from past 12 months

CurrentMonth = Month(CurrentDate)
CurrentYear = Year(CurrentDate)

    SQL = "SELECT Spent, MONTH(Date) AS InvMonth, YEAR(Date) As InvYear FROM Invoices WHERE YEAR(Date) = '" & CurrentYear & "' AND MONTH(Date) = '" & CurrentMonth & "'"
    RecordSet.Open SQL, Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
    Do Until RecordSet.EOF
        MTotal(i) = MTotal(i) + RecordSet.Fields("Spent")

This is the code I currently have to build up a total spent for a given month. I wish to expand this to retrieve the totals per month, for the past 12 months.

The way I see to do this would be to loop backwards through the CurrentMonth value, and if CurrentMonth value reaches 0 roll the value of CurrentYear back 1. Using the loop variable (i) to build up an array of 12 values: MTotal()

What do you guys think?

From stackoverflow
  • A group by should get you on the way.

      SUM(Spent) AS Spent
      , MONTH(Date) AS InvMonth
      , YEAR(Date) AS InvYear
      YEAR(Date), MONTH(Date)
    WHERE DATEDIFF(mm, Date, GETDATE(()) < 12

    Josh's DATEDIFF is a better solution than my original TOP and ORDER BY

    Tom H. : You probably don't want to use TOP 12. A better way would be to check for a date range. Also, avoid things like YEAR(date) = x. That prevents SQL Server from using any indexes on "date". Calculate the earliest and latest dates and do something like "date BETWEEN x AND y"
    Lieven : I Agree. The query has been updated.
  • The only problem with this is that I require a monthly total, for each of the past 12 months rather then the total for the past 12 months. Otherwise I see how improving the SQL rather then using vb6 code oculd be a better option.

  • I would tackle this by "rounding" the date to the Month, and then Grouping by that month-date, and totalling the Spent amount:

     SELECT SUM(Spent) AS [TotalSpent],
            DATEADD(Month, DATEDIFF(Month, 0, [Date]), 0) AS [MonthDate]
     FROM   Invoices 
     WHERE      [Date] >= '20080301'
            AND [Date] <  '20090301'
     GROUP BY DATEADD(Month, DATEDIFF(Month, 0, [Date]), 0)
     ORDER BY [MonthDate]

    The [MonthDate] can be formatted to show Month / Date appropraitely, or in separate columns.

    The WHERE clause can be parameterised to provide a suitable range of records to be included

    Kristen : P.S. Please ask if you would like an example of the "formatting" I refer to
    orip : +1, good solution, I ended up doing this. I also think you meant "truncating", not "rounding".
  • The solution I came up with would be :

    For i = 0 To 11
        If CurrentMonth = 0 Then
            CurrentMonth = 12
            CurrentYear = CurrentYear - 1
        End If
        SQL = "SELECT Spent, MONTH(Date) AS InvMonth, YEAR(Date) As InvYear FROM Invoices WHERE YEAR(Date) = '" & CurrentYear & "' AND MONTH(Date) = '" & CurrentMonth & "'"
        RecordSet.Open SQL, Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
        Do Until RecordSet.EOF
            MTotal(i) = MTotal(i) + RecordSet.Fields("Spent").Value
        CurrentMonth = CurrentMonth - 1

    I believe this should work as expected. However I still look forward to seeing what solutions you guys can come up, or if anyone spots an issue with ym fix.


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