I have a C#/WPF application and I am attempting to add multi-language support. From my looking around I've found that using resource files of string values for each language is how I should go about doing this. Then update the CultureInfo. This seems to work fine if the culture info is set at or before the creation of the window, but I want the ability to dynamically change the culture. How can I do this? I've tried playing around with binding and dynamicResource, but couldn't figure out how to get either one to work. I guess I should add that I'm pretty much a beginner with the WPF stuff.
Take a look at this Codeplex project. It provides a dynamic localization system that blends well with WPF's binding system.
mmr : hard to trust a language package that misspells 'really' at the top of the page.Denis Troller : Granted, the guy should have someone proof-read his page, it's full of spelling/grammatical mistakes... But don't be too harsh on the guy, nobody said he is a native English speaker. -
oops, i will remove the "really". maybe you can correct the text for me?
english isnt my native language, its german.
Best regards, SeriousM
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