I'm trying to create a button that will simply link back to the context root. I noticed flex has a @ContextRoot attribute that appears to work only in certain cases. For example, if I try to use it in the following mxml:
<mx:Button label="Back to Root" click="navigateToURL(new URLRequest(@ContextRoot()), '_parent')"/>
I get the following error: Error: Attributes are not callable.
I can't seem to find this technique explained anywhere, is there another way?
Thanks for the help! Dave
Well, the cleanest way I found was to use a function in the script block, and not use @ContextRoot like:
private function goBacktoHompage():void { baseURL = Application.application.url; var tempUrl:String = baseURL.substr(7,baseURL.length); var tempUrlArr:Array = tempUrl.split("/"); var contextRoot:String = tempUrlArr[1]; var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest("/" + contextRoot); navigateToURL(u,"_parent"); }
I would assume there is an easier way that could use @ContextRoot, so any other answers that don't use relative paths would be welcomed!
Thanks to these sites for the help:
[Adobe help docs on passing arguments]
Thanks to http://devgirl.wordpress.com/ for this solution! I think it is better than the Application.application.url solution:
Use the HTTPService control:
<mx:HTTPService id="home" url="@ContextRoot()"/>
And then in Action Script:
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(home.url),"_parent");
works like a charm!
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