I have a json object 'items' which has few items that I want to show 2 of them every 2 seconds. How would I do that? so, it displays items in division1 every few seconds instead of showing all at once. Eg. get all items every 5 seconds and show 4 items every second for 20 items.
<table id="division1" >
function render_items(division){
var tablebody ="";
$.each(division.items, function (i,item){
var tablerow ="<tr>"
tablebody = tablebody+tablerow;
//$('#test').append(division.name+' '+i+' '+robot.name+'<br>');
$('#'+division.name+" tbody").html(tablebody);
function poll(){
$.post("data.php", {getvalues: 0},
function (data, status){
$.each (data.divisions, function(i,division){
$(document).ready(function() {
From stackoverflow
setTimeout can take a function as the first argument, it can then take advantage of closure vars to keep track of the data and the count.
it would probably be simplest to hide all the rows, then show a range of them every second with something like:
function startShow(table) { var index = 0; var trs = table.find("tbody tr"); function update() { if (index >= trs.length) { index = 0; } trs.hide().slice(index, index + 4).show(); index += 4; setTimeout(update, 1000); } update(); }
and then call it with
pvsnp : thanks, that works. Do you have any idea how I wound modify that for many table names (in a somewhat clean way)?cobbal : updated it to work with multiple tables, also a little cleaner now.
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