Monday, April 25, 2011

how do I show n json items every x seconds using jquery?

I have a json object 'items' which has few items that I want to show 2 of them every 2 seconds. How would I do that? so, it displays items in division1 every few seconds instead of showing all at once. Eg. get all items every 5 seconds and show 4 items every second for 20 items.

<table id="division1" >

function render_items(division){
    var tablebody ="";
     $.each(division.items, function (i,item){
      var tablerow ="<tr>"
      tablebody = tablebody+tablerow;

        //$('#test').append(' '+i+' ''<br>');
     $('#'" tbody").html(tablebody); 

function poll(){
    $.post("data.php", {getvalues: 0}, 
    function (data, status){
     $.each (data.divisions, function(i,division){


$(document).ready(function() {

From stackoverflow
  • setTimeout can take a function as the first argument, it can then take advantage of closure vars to keep track of the data and the count.

  • it would probably be simplest to hide all the rows, then show a range of them every second with something like:

    function startShow(table) {
        var index = 0;
        var trs = table.find("tbody tr");
        function update() {
            if (index >= trs.length) {
                index = 0;
            trs.hide().slice(index, index + 4).show();
            index += 4;
            setTimeout(update, 1000);

    and then call it with

    pvsnp : thanks, that works. Do you have any idea how I wound modify that for many table names (in a somewhat clean way)?
    cobbal : updated it to work with multiple tables, also a little cleaner now.


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