Wednesday, April 20, 2011

mini laptop development tools recomendations

I have Acer 1 mini laptop that I use on the road. What development tools (ide's, frameworks) are recommended so it will be still light? I'm programming mainly in Java and C++, with XP installed.

From stackoverflow
  • Well Visual Studio is out of question :).

    You could use some light editor like Notepad++ and a command line compiler.

    Dylan Bennett : I have Visual Studio C# Express edition running on this Dell Mini with the MSDN 2008 library installed. So Visual Studio is most definitely not out of the question. It works just fine for me. I also run Eclipse too, and though it's slow to start up, it works quite well after that.
    Bojan Milenkoski : I was kidding about Visual Studio, but not much. I suppose you have an external hard drive or the internal one is not a 4GB (8GB) solid state drive. These laptops are not intended for real development. And then again you could bring an extra monitor, keyboard, mouse, solar charger, beer cooler...
  • try JCode for java

    and CodeLite for C++

  • Code::Blocks is a pretty nice C++ IDE for a low resolution screen. (ref)

  • here is something interesting...

    Maybe you can run the big guns.. provided it runs on linux that is

  • I use SciTE and the command line (ant, make) on my netbook.

  • In similar situations the first thing I load up is JEdit. It's plugins cover virtually every language you've ever seen and functionality you'll ever need. It's an extremely useful tool to be familiar with just because it means you need only the one tool across multiple platforms and development tasks and for that reason I'd strongly recommend it over more focused programs.

    jEdit is a mature programmer's text editor with hundreds (counting the time developing plugins) of person-years of development behind it.

    Some of jEdit's features include:
    * Written in Java, so it runs on Mac OS X, OS/2, Unix, VMS and Windows.
    * Built-in macro language; extensible plugin architecture.
    * Dozens of macros and plugins available.
    * Plugins can be downloaded and installed from within jEdit using the "plugin manager" feature.
    * Auto indent, and syntax highlighting for more than 130 languages.
    * Supports a large number of character encodings including UTF8 and Unicode.
    * Folding for selectively hiding regions of text. Word wrap.
    * Highly configurable and customizable.
    * Every other feature, both basic and advanced, you would expect to find in a text editor.

    Cruachan : some clue as to the -1 on this would be helpful - i see no reason why it's not relevant or appropriate
  • Vi / vim. I take it Ctrl+Alt+F1 still works on Linpus/Xandros/UNR?

    I'm not joking here (:-) It has decent syntax highlighting support. And it has that cool :make thing. :)
    For example, in C++, you can do:


    and it will do a very IDE-ish thing (kinda similar to Turbo C now that I think about it) - pop up a list of errors you can cycle through. Also, you could (I suppose):

    :!javac hello.class

    To compile your Java programs (w/out the error box though). Also, it's support for splitting itself into boxes is very flexible - I hate VS's method now.

  • Emacs is a very powerful editor which you can use to do all your Java and C++ coding. With an extension like Emacs Code Browser, you'll be good to go.

    I would have normally mentioned Eclipse, which I still this is not as heavy as people talk it up to be, but I'll leave that for you to decide.

  • I find Process Explorer to be very helpful for judging how "light" a tool is.

  • I have a lot of class mates with similar laptops (Eee PC etc). They all seem to use Eclipse for Java development. With CDT ( you could use that for C++ as well.


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