Monday, April 11, 2011

Passing an Anonymous Type to UpdateModel/TryUpdateModel in ASPNETMVC

Given the following controller method:

    public ActionResult apiMapInfo()
        var x = new { Lat = "", Long = "", Name = ""};
        var mapInfo = new DALServices.Models.MapInfo();

// Updates correctly


// Does not update correctly


        var svc = new APIServices.Services.ReturnMapInfo() {inputs = mapInfo};
        return new ObjectResult<Result>(new Result(svc.errorCode, svc.errorMessage, svc.results), svc.ExtraTypesForSerialization);

The object x is not updated correctly by the TryUpdateModel method, but the mapInfo object is.

My assumption is that the TryUpdateModel method doesn't handle mapping to an anonymous type like x.



From stackoverflow
  • I'm guessing because UpdateModel and TryUpdateModel that it's looking for properties and reflection on anonymous types might be a bit different. Either way the easiest thing to do would just create a concrete type.

  • Anonymous types are immutable. Hence, they cannot be updated.

  • Anonymous types have readonly properties and thus there is no public settor available for TryUpdateModel to change the property value.


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