Friday, April 15, 2011

rails technoweenie / restful-authentication magi-code: Can't find User#register!

I recently installed the technoweenie / restful-authentication plugin (which works as promised), but while going through the *users_controller#created*, I found a reference to a method call on the user model


Does anyone know where the method is defined? I've pretty much search all of the generated code, and still don't see a register method.



From stackoverflow
  • Run the restful auth generators

  • It's defined in restful-authentication/lib/authorization/stateful_roles.rb

        event :register do
          transitions :from => :passive, :to => :pending, :guard => {|u| !(u.crypted_password.blank? && u.password.blank?) }

    The actual method register! is created dynamically from this event by the acts_as_state_machine plugin that should be in your project as well. This method was inserted into your controller because when you generated your controller you specified either --stateful or '--aasm'.

    There is a very good write up on acts_as_state_machine here if you would like to learn more.

    vrish88 : no problem, I actually was trying to figure out where this was coming from last week :)
    localshred : Thank you so much for this, was tearing my hair out over it


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