I have a .bat file shown below
@echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('C:\MyProj\Sources\SearchString.vbs') do (
set ScriptOut=%%a)
#echo Script Result = %ScriptOut%
echo %ScriptOut% >C:\ThreePartition\Sources\myfile.txt
I want my output variable which is ScriptOut to be stored into a text file. Can anyone suggest any method to be added to my existing batch file.
Thanks Maddy
Do I understand correctly that your file gets overwritten and you want it appended? If so, try this:
echo %ScriptOut% >> C:\ThreePartition\Sources\myfile.txt
(note the double ">>")
Maddy : hi, No actually i get a value returned to ScriptOut(Returned frm vbs) which should be written into a text file.When i run this above code,i just get ECHO is OFF in the myfile.txtStanislav Kniazev : Then the blank line is your problem as Johannes Rössel pointed out.Maddy : I didnt get it Johannes??.Which blank line could be the problem.Why am i getting ECH is OFF in my Myfile.txt.??Lucas Jones : The reason you are getting ECHO OFF is that ECHO is being passed noting, or just whitespace (ie a blank line). In this case, ECHO prints whether command-echoing is turned on. (It just so happens that you turned off that with your 'ECHO OFF' at the top) This has no effect on whether it will redirect.Joey : I elaborated a little more, hopefully that made it somewhat clearer -
loop you have there executes that script and runs for every line the script returns. Basically this means that your environment variable%ScriptOut%
contains only the last line of the output (since it gets overwritten each time the loop processes another line). So if your script returnsa b c
will contain onlyc
. If the last line is empty or contains only spaces iot will effectively delete%ScriptOut%
which is why when you do anecho %ScriptOut%
you'll only get
ECHO is on.
since after variable substition all that's left there isecho
. You can useecho.%ScriptOut%
in which case you'll be getting an empty line (which would be what
contains at that point.If you want to print every line the script returns to a file then you can do that much easier by simply doing a
cscript C:\MyProj\Sources\SearchString.vbs > C:\ThreePartition\Sources\myfile.txt
or use
for redirection if you want the output to be appended to the file, as Stanislav Kniazev pointed out.If you just want to store the last non-empty line, then the following might work:
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('C:\MyProj\Sources\SearchString.vbs') do ( if not "%%a"=="" set ScriptOut=%%a )
which will only set
in case the loop variable isn't empty.
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