In C#, is there an inline shortcut to instantiate a List<T> with only one item.
I'm currently doing:
new List<string>( new string[] { "title" } ))
Having this code everywhere reduces readability. I've thought of using a utility method like this:
public static List<T> SingleItemList<T>( T value )
return (new List<T>( new T[] { value } ));
So I could do:
Is there a shorter / cleaner way?
Use an extension method with method chaining.
public static List<T> WithItems(this List<T> list, params T[] items) { list.AddRange(items); return list; }
This would let you do this:
List<string> strings = new List<string>().WithItems("Yes");
List<string> strings = new List<string>().WithItems("Yes", "No", "Maybe So");
Simply use this:
List<string> list = new List<string>() { "single value" };
You can even omit the () braces:
List<string> list = new List<string> { "single value" };
Update: of course this also works for more than one entry:
List<string> list = new List<string> { "value1", "value2", ... };
Joel Coehoorn : put a 1 literal in the parentheses of the first option, so that storage for exactly one space is allocated rather than the default 10Jon Skeet : The default ends up being 4, I believe: new List{ "Hello" }.Capacity == 4 -
You can also do
new List<string>() { "string here" };
Michael's idea of using extension methods leads to something even simpler:
public static List<T> InList(this T item) { return new List<T> { item }; }
So you could do:
List<string> foo = "Hello".InList();
I'm not sure whether I like it or not, mind you...
M4N : I'm also not sure I like it: isn't this a "strange" extension of the string type (for example) ?Ryan Ische : I haven't made it to extension methods in your book yet, Jon :-) This does seems sort of strange, but I like the utility of it. Thanks Martin and Jon.Jon Skeet : @Martin: It's a strange extension of *every* type. This is generally discouraged, but it's an interesting general idea.Michael Meadows : It hase some internal domain specific language uses, especially with value types. Take for example: clock.AlertUser.In(1.Minute) reads much better than clock.AlertUser(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); -
I would just do
var list = new List<string> { "hello" };
A different answer to my earlier one, based on exposure to the Google Java Collections:
public static class Lists { public static List<T> Of<T>(T item) { return new List<T> { item }; } }
List<string> x = Lists.Of("Hello");
I advise checking out the GJC - it's got lots of interesting stuff in. (Personally I'd ignore the "alpha" tag - it's only the open source version which is "alpha" and it's based on a very stable and heavily used internal API.)
var list = new List<string>(1) { "hello" };
Very similar to what others have posted, except that it makes sure to only allocate space for the single item initially.
Of course, if you know you'll be adding a bunch of stuff later it may not be a good idea, but still worth mentioning once.
For a single item enumerable in java it would be Collections.singleton("string");
In c# this is going to be more efficient than a new List:
public class SingleEnumerator<T> : IEnumerable<T> { private readonly T m_Value; public SingleEnumerator(T value) { m_Value = value; } public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() { yield return m_Value; } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { yield return m_Value; } }
but is there a simpler way using the framework?
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