Friday, April 15, 2011

Updating SilverLight lists when Bound in-memory collection gets a new member.

I'm trying to pupulate one of three listboxes from a (fourth) source list box. The source has a list of school Subjects which are classified as elementary, middle or high school subjects. The source listbox is a list of checkboxes. The user clicks on the checkbox and one of the other three are intended to get a copy of the Subject object from the source list. I've got the thing wired up and successfully hit a CheckBox_Changed method. I can successfully locate the Subject instance from the source list and add it to the target list's Source array.

What I can't do is show the update on the Silverlight control that the target array is bound to.

Any ideas?


private void CheckBox_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  var cb = (CheckBox)sender;
  var children = ((Grid)cb.Parent).Children;
  // cb has a sibling TextBlock item that has the index of the item in 
  //   the list of subjects
  var ch2 = children[1] as TextBlock;
  var subjectIndexStr = ch2.Text;
  var myWorkingSubject = workingSubjectList[int.Parse(subjectIndexStr)];

  switch (myWorkingSubject.SubjectLevelId)
// updates to the elementarySubjects, middleSubjects and highSubjects 
//    don't get reflected in the lists that use them as a resource.
    case (int)SubjectLevels.Elementary:
    case (int)SubjectLevels.Middle:
    case (int)SubjectLevels.High:
    default: break;


// this is how the target classes are declared.
public class SubjectsElementary : ObservableCollection<WorkingSubject>
public class SubjectsMiddle : ObservableCollection<WorkingSubject>
public class SubjectsHigh : ObservableCollection<WorkingSubject>

Here are snippets from the .xaml file

<TutorRouterSvc:WorkingSubjectList x:Key="subjects" />
<TutorRouterSvc:SubjectsElementary x:Key="elementarySubjects" />
<TutorRouterSvc:SubjectsMiddle x:Key="middleSubjects" />
<TutorRouterSvc:SubjectsHigh x:Key="highSubjects" />

  <ListBox x:Name="subjectList" ItemsSource="{Binding Mode=OneWay, Source={StaticResource subjects}}">


   <StaticResource ResourceKey="DataSubjectsTemplate1"/>

<Grid Grid.Column="1">
    <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="*"/>

  <ListBox Margin="0,0,8,0" x:Name="elementarySubjectList" 
   ItemsSource="{Binding Mode=OneWay, Source={StaticResource elementarySubjects}}"
    Background="#FFE75151" Grid.Row="0">
      <StaticResource ResourceKey="DataSubjectsTemplate1"/>
  <ListBox Margin="0,0,8,0" x:Name="middleSubjectList" 
   ItemsSource="{Binding Mode=OneWay, Source={StaticResource middleSubjects}}"
    Background="#FFE75151" Grid.Row="1">
      <StaticResource ResourceKey="DataSubjectsTemplate1"/>
  <ListBox Margin="0,0,8,0" x:Name="highSubjectList" 
   ItemsSource="{Binding Mode=OneWay, Source={StaticResource highSubjects}}"
    Background="#FFE75151" Grid.Row="1">
      <StaticResource ResourceKey="DataSubjectsTemplate1"/>
From stackoverflow
  • I'm not quite sure, but this may be fixable by doing the changes inside a Dispatch.BeginInvoke().

    You could refactor the switch statement to a new method called UpdateListBox, then call it:

    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => UpdateListBox(myWorkingSubject.SubjectLevelId))
    : Thanks for the response. I can't say I understand what the Dispatcher.BeginInvoke() does except initiate a deligate on a queue. I was thinking that simply adding a new element to the bound data collection would be enough. What would UpdateListBox() do to update the ListBox?
  • Maybe this is happening because the XAML is Newing up a new instance of your objects, which it's databinding to.

    Try adding this to the cosntructor on your Page.xaml.cs (or where ever the control is located);

    _subjects = Resources["subjects"] as WorkingSubjectsList;
    _elementarySubjects = Resources["elementarySubjects"] as SubjectsElementary;


    Maybe that will help. I've implemented the same concept by binding listboxes to Observable collections on several occassions and haven't experienced what you're encountering.

    I do have a couple of suggestions: have you tried this on your check changed event?

    workingsubject _item = workingSubjectList[subjectsList.selectedindex];
    switch (_item.SubjectLevel) //I'm assuming this property as you have the ID and it looks to be an enumeration
                case Elementary:
                case Middle:
                case High:
                    case default:
                            throw new Exception("Unrecognized Subject Level");



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