Hi Guys!
I have multiple rows in a table, in one of which is a link I'd like to automatically click. For my starting point I have the last instance that a row contains the text "Test Question?":
ID: 1416
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Question Text: Test Question? Response 1 Text:
Response 2 Text:
ID: 1417
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Question Text: Test Question? Response 1 Text:
Response 2 Text:
So, //tr[td='Test Question?'][last()] would be something like "Question Text: Test Question?"
Anyway, three rows up from that there's a row with a bunch of links in it. I would like the xpath to the link in the first cell.
Now I tried to use position(), but stuff like //tr[position()=(//tr[td='Test Question?'][last()][position()])-3] just isn't the right way to do it and I can't find any good examples.
That's going to be a pretty gnarly xpath to say the least, but you're looking at axes starting with
and then preceding-sibling. Tunnel up to<tr>
, then across three (you'll need to refposition()
here I think) and then down in a normal fashion from there to your goal.
Edit: easier than I thought, preceding-sibling counts backwards.
Dave Babbitt : So, if //ancestor::tr[td='Test Question?'][last()]/preceding-sibling::tr[3]/td[1]/a gets me all the "Test Question?" links, how do I get the last one?Dave Babbitt : (When I use XPather, //ancestor::tr[td='Test Question?'][last()]/preceding-sibling::tr[3]/td[1]/a gets me the same thing as //ancestor::tr[td='Test Question?']/preceding-sibling::tr[3]/td[1]/a so you've possibly answered the question and I'm just having trouble on my end trying to verify it.)annakata : I thought you had the starting node already? Nonetheless, you're making it over complicated for yourself. Detach the problem of finding the seed, and prefix to the above. Try this instead: //td[self::td='Test Question?']/ancestor::tr/preceding-sibling::tr[3]/td[1]/aDave Babbitt : Yes, //ancestor::tr[td='Test Question?'][last()]/preceding-sibling::tr[3]/td[1]/a works. Thanx
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