I'm looking for some sort of TimeRange widget in Javascript/CSS/jQuery. I'm not looking for a time/date picker, which are widely available.
I need it for a website to allow businesses to select their openinghours by clicking and hovering over the hours they're open.
| 0h 0h15m 0h30m ... 23:45 |
Anybody has seen such a nice looking customizable timerange selector widget?
Google Calendar has nice one (you can see it when you click "Check guest and resource availability" link on the event details form). But I can imagine it would be hard to clone.
javacoder : Thanks for the screenshot! That's exactly what I'm looking for, in a more compact form. I can't image it doesn't already exist, eg. as a pluggable jQuery widget. -
I'd look for a slider widget.. then set the times you need as the intervals.
The jQuery UI has one: jQuery UI Slider.
Update: based on the comment below about (single vs. double slider)...
1.) Theres a post already (just found) about making a 2 handled slider using the jQuery UI slider here.
Or if you have 2 sliders... one for opening time and one for closing... where each is broken down into 15min segments, but only for half a day each, would this work?
e.g. (ignore the ASCII-graphic uglyness)
Open Time (AM): 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 9 10 11 12 ^ 8:15am Close Time (PM): 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 10 11 12 ^6:30pm
Furthermore, if this is for "typical" businesses... you could likely chop from 11pm <-> 5am from the sliders.
I'm not a big fan of scriptaculous, but they seem to have a double slider:
javacoder : I thought about that as well, but that wouldn't really work as we don't know how many regions there are from the start. Eg. A business could be open from 8am-10am, 12-14am and 18-20am. Moreover, as I understand from the documentation, there's a max of one range per slider it seems. This is an example I found with ticks: http://jsbin.com/iwimejavacoder : Thanks scunliffe, I'm resorting to this not-so-flexible solution, until a widget emerges!
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