I know you can do this, because I've seen it done once before, but I forget where and up until now I haven't need to do it.
I have a table called Employees, and it has various employee data (duh). I need a query that will do a select on the first and last name of all rows in the table, and then contenate all of them into a comma delimited string.
For example, I have a few rows (a lot more than that actually, but for the sake of this question just assume two) of data that look like:
FName LName ------- ----- Richard Prescott Jill Sentieri Carol Winger
I need to a select that can return the aforementioned data in this form:
Richard Prescott, Jill Sentieri, Carol Winger
Thank you in advance for your help!
you can write a UDF to do that
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnc_GetEmpList]( @CompId numeric ) RETURNS nvarchar(1000) BEGIN declare @str nvarchar(1000) set @str ='' select @str = @str + ',' + FirstName + ' ' + LastName from Employees --remove the last comma if(@str<>'') set @str = right(@str,len(@str)-1) return @str END
Jagd : Reusability! I like it. :) -
Maybe this can help. This question has been asked before. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6899/is-there-a-way-to-create-a-mssql-function-to-join-multiple-rows-from-a-subquery
Use coalesce. Something like this:
DECLARE @Names varchar(1000) SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') + Name FROM Employees
Jagd : Is there any reason to use COALESCE over just a normal "select @str = @str + ',' + FirstName + ' ' + LastName"?? I did some reading and the only added benefit that I could find is that COALESCE will ignore null entries.Paul : Yes there is, without coalesce you will end up with an extra comma at the beginning of @str.Jagd : Actually, you end up with a leading comma using COALESCE too, unless you wrap the @Names variable with the IsNull function. COALESCE(IsNull(@Names + ', '), '').Jagd : Oops... lets try that again: coalesce(IsNull(@Names+ ', ', ''), '')Paul : In SQL 2005 the code above gives me no leading or trailing commas.Paul : null + 'string' = null, so if the @str is null (on the first pass) the second string, '', is used. The nested ISNULL is just going to duplicate the coalesce, because it will ALWAYS use the first value. (@str +', ' or '')Jagd : Ah, you are correct. I was initializing my @Names to an empty string. Initialing it to null did the trick. -
If you are using MySQL, they have a great function called GROUP_CONCAT that does just that. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/group-by-functions.html#function_group-concat
this isn't perfect, but it'll get you most of the way there
declare @count int declare @i int declare @string nvarchar(max) declare @name nvarchar(100) declare @Employees (EmpName nvarchar(100), ID int identity(1,1) insert into @Employees (EmpName) select FirstName + ' ' + LastName from Employees select @count=count(*) from @Employees set @i=1 set @string='' while (@i<=@count) begin select @name = EmpName from @Employees where ID=@i set @string = @string + ',' + @name set @i=@i+1 end
This is the most efficient method I've found. It requires SQL Server, but it sounds like that's what you're using.
select stuff(( select ', ' + fName + ' ' + lName from Employees order by lName, fName /* Optional */ for xml path('') ), 1, 2, '');
The idea is that you can take advantage of the ability to use an empty tag name with for xml path('') to get string concatenation across rows. The stuff(...,1,2,'') just removes the leading comma.
This is REALLY fast.
John Gibb : It looks like someone mentioned this approach in one of the links above...
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