How does one extract only the formatting part from a string. For example: if I have a string = "Warning: the error {0} has occurred. {1, 9} module has {2:0%} done." I would like to extract {0}, {1,9} and {2:0%} out into a sting array. Is there a regular expression or something that can be done other than my way of looping the string with Substring indexof '{' and '}' alternately?
Will some variant of "\{[^}]+\}" not work? Run it through finding the matches and substring'ing out from start to end of the match.
new Regex(@"\{[0-9:,% .]+\}");
You may have to tweak/tune it to account for any additional formatting options that you haven't provided in your example.
In Java, the Matcher class takes a regex and will return all matching sub-strings.
For example:
String str = "Warning: the error {0} has occurred. {1, 9} module has {2:0%} done."; Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher( "{.*}"); while (matcher.find()){ String matched = \\do whatever you want with matched }
The following code is different from other answers in that it uses non-greedy matching (".*?"):
private static void Main(string[] args) { const string input = "Warning: the error {0} has occurred. {1, 9} module has {2:0%} done."; const string pattern = "{.*?}"; // NOTE: "?" is required here (non-greedy matching). var formattingParts = Regex.Matches(input, pattern).Cast<Match>().Where(item => item.Success).Select(item => item.Groups[0].Value); foreach (var part in formattingParts) { Console.WriteLine(part); } }
Terry_Brown : +1 I'd started writing something with named matches to help extract each part individually, but the above stopped me - really nice solutionColin Burnett : Except doing [^}] in between { and } prevents it from being greedy. Likewise on [0-9:,% .] that Jordan proposed. Ethan's is the only greedy one that will match "{0} ... {1}" from beginning to end.
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