I have an Oracle Connection to a ORACLE 10.2 database and want to listen for changes to a table. The user of the connection was granted the privilege "CHANGE NOTIFICATION".
Listening is initialized with the following method:
private OracleDependency SubscribeToTable(string tableName)
string sql = "select * from " + tableName;
var cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, this.connection) { AddRowid = true };
var dep = new OracleDependency(cmd);
cmd.Notification.IsNotifiedOnce = false;
dep.OnChange += this.dep_OnChange;
return dep;
When i insert a row into the observed table and commit, the event dep_OnChange is never fired. What am i doing wrong?
After checking the troubleshooting list and found everything to be OK, i connected as DBA to Oracle and checked the ip adresses that should be notified when a change occurs (SELECT * FROM user_change_notification_regs). For some reason the ip addresses pointed to a VMWare virtual network adapter, although the notification request was initiated from the physical machine and not a VM. After disabling that virtual network adapter, everything works like it should.
Have you run through the trouble shooting in the documentation?
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