Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Return a value from batch files (.bat file)to a text file.


I have a .bat file shown below

@echo off 
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('C:\MyProj\Sources\SearchString.vbs') do (
set ScriptOut=%%a)
#echo Script Result = %ScriptOut%
echo %ScriptOut% >C:\ThreePartition\Sources\myfile.txt

I want my output variable which is ScriptOut to be stored into a text file. Can anyone suggest any method to be added to my existing batch file.

Thanks Maddy

From stackoverflow
  • Do I understand correctly that your file gets overwritten and you want it appended? If so, try this:

    echo %ScriptOut% >> C:\ThreePartition\Sources\myfile.txt

    (note the double ">>")

    Maddy : hi, No actually i get a value returned to ScriptOut(Returned frm vbs) which should be written into a text file.When i run this above code,i just get ECHO is OFF in the myfile.txt
    Stanislav Kniazev : Then the blank line is your problem as Johannes Rössel pointed out.
    Maddy : I didnt get it Johannes??.Which blank line could be the problem.Why am i getting ECH is OFF in my Myfile.txt.??
    Lucas Jones : The reason you are getting ECHO OFF is that ECHO is being passed noting, or just whitespace (ie a blank line). In this case, ECHO prints whether command-echoing is turned on. (It just so happens that you turned off that with your 'ECHO OFF' at the top) This has no effect on whether it will redirect.
    Joey : I elaborated a little more, hopefully that made it somewhat clearer
  • The for loop you have there executes that script and runs for every line the script returns. Basically this means that your environment variable %ScriptOut% contains only the last line of the output (since it gets overwritten each time the loop processes another line). So if your script returns


    then %ScriptOut% will contain only c. If the last line is empty or contains only spaces iot will effectively delete %ScriptOut% which is why when you do an

    echo %ScriptOut%

    you'll only get ECHO is on. since after variable substition all that's left there is echo. You can use


    in which case you'll be getting an empty line (which would be what %ScriptOut% contains at that point.

    If you want to print every line the script returns to a file then you can do that much easier by simply doing a

    cscript C:\MyProj\Sources\SearchString.vbs > C:\ThreePartition\Sources\myfile.txt

    or use >> for redirection if you want the output to be appended to the file, as Stanislav Kniazev pointed out.

    If you just want to store the last non-empty line, then the following might work:

    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('C:\MyProj\Sources\SearchString.vbs') do (
      if not "%%a"=="" set ScriptOut=%%a

    which will only set %ScriptOut% in case the loop variable isn't empty.


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